Autocar ACX - Heil MultiTask SL

Well now here is a rare find! Here we have an Autocar Xpeditor ACX paired up with the short-lived and ultra-rare Heil MultiTask SL body, equipped with the optional TeleGrip automated arm - made even more unique with the addition of "Soft Touch" grippers!

Earlier this week, Alan (CurottoCanMaster82) and I headed out to western Idaho to finally go find out what Sunshine Disposal runs out that way. We had very little idea what we were going to find, but the whole day ended up being packed with pleasant surprises! Out of everything, the last thing we expected to find running out there was a Heil MultiTask but sure enough, this is what we found tackling the recycling route! As far as drop frame side loaders go, the MultiTask body is an absolute champ, and especially with the original Heil grippers being replaced with the far superior "Soft Touch" grippers, I'd say it absolutely runs circles around all other "manual/automated" side loaders. It really is a shame that this body only saw such a short time in production, but the rarity makes stumbling across one even more of a treat! I hope you all enjoy this presentation of the Heil MultiTask SL, and be sure to stay on the look out for more surprises from the day's adventures from both Alan and I in the near future!

As always, a huge thank you goes out to this outstanding driver!