CCC Centurion - E-Z Pack HCSL

For this video, we're traveling back in time to rural Escondido, CA in April of 2013! I recently came across a massive stash of old photos and video, dating back from the end of 2011 up to 2014. When I originally uploaded this truck, I for some reason decided not to use any of the close-up hopper footage I got which, looking back now, was a huge waste! But thanks to the recent discovery of my old video library, I now have a second chance to make this truck shine! So here we have an E-Z Pack HCSL manual side loader body on a Crane Carrier Co. Centurion cab and chassis collecting yard debris, classic SoCal style - this time with ample hopper/packer action!

Most of the footage used here has never seen the light of day on YouTube before, however there are a couple of "recycled" clips to help the video flow a little better! Also, thanks to having a much more powerful computer and editing software than I did back in 2013, I am able to do a much better editing job and upload in higher quality than I was back then. I'm absolutely looking for some feedback on this video, and if there's enough interest, I have several trucks from back then that I'd love to give this treatment to! If there's any particular trucks that I filmed around 2012/2013 that any of you would especially like to see "remastered" feel free to let me know, as I now have the raw footage from almost every truck I filmed in that time frame!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy our little journey back in time today! While the glory days of manual collection in SoCal may be behind us, at least we can relive it here on YouTube!

As always, big thanks to this incredibly hard working and friendly driver!
