Autocar ACX - McNeilus ZR

Here we have a brand new McNeilus ZR automated side loader on an Autocar ACX cab and chassis, powered by compressed natural gas (CNG). Amazingly, despite their prominence out here on the west coast, this was one of the very first McNeilus ZR's I've ever seen in person, and the first that I've filmed a full video of. While I wouldn't normally go out of my way for such commonplace truck, I couldn't resist this one, as it was only a few hours into its service life and still looked like it had just rolled right off the assembly line! On top of that, this particular unit also operated much faster and smoother than many of the ZR's that I've watched here on YouTube, even flipping most of the lids on the carts it collected. As an added bonus, I was able to catch this truck collecting several European-style "wheelie bin" carts as well - a rare treat here in the States! I hope you all enjoy the footage of this shiny new truck! It is seen here collecting a residential recycling route.

Huge thanks to the very professional driver for allowing me to capture this footage!
